Saturday, August 16, 2014


It began as an offer to use our home for two Monday night rehearsals. We couldn't use our regular facility on Mondays, so we needed alternate locations.

Well, I don't think we've had a Monday practice anywhere else. 

Much to my excitement, of course! Acting out Jane Austen scenes in my house, with my friends, where we can have tea parties at the same time? I would be crazy to object to that. This is the stuff of my dreams. Seriously.

The first four weeks were just the ladies, so we could have some Dashwood sister bonding time. Bond we did! And not only as characters, but as friends. I know old friends better and made lovely new friends because of those Monday nights. It was always just us, since our director Mrs. Flaherty lives nearly an hour away and wasn't able to join us. So I'm afraid we giggled and talked as much as we went over scenes... The most unforgettable night was when we celebrated Hannah's 18th birthday by having tea, food and sweets as we watched the 2008 adaptation of S&S. After each lovely lady except Hannah and Julie had left, we began to discover our mutual disapproval of Marianne's hypocrisy that the playwright had put in the script by having her suddenly approve of Gothic novels merely to agree with Willoughby. We agreed this was a total violation of one of Marianne's most distinguishing attributes: sincerity. So we set about changing the lines with alacrity. It was a heady and satisfying experience! And thankfully Mrs. Flaherty trusts us and allowed our changes to be put in the play.

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